Daylight saving time and its impact on Local Authorities
As the seasons change, the world experiences a shift that not only affects our daily routines but also impacts the way we interact with the environment around us. In the Northern Hemisphere, one of the most noticeable changes is the transition to shorter days and longer nights. This shift in daylight saving time has controversial implications, however in a recent YouGov pole 45 per cent of Britain’s voted to keep the current system.
To shed some light on what lighting professionals can do to support road users, residential communities, and areas reliant on street lighting during the darker months, we spoke with our General Manager, Commercial – Services Division, Stuart Murray.
The impact of changing clocks
Each year, at 2am on the last Sunday in October, the clocks go backwards in the UK.
One of the primary impacts, apart from the welcomed extra hour in bed, is later sunrises and earlier sunsets. Which means lighting is needed for extended periods. This not only leads to higher energy usage but also raises several challenges for lighting management teams as they prepare for the darker nights, including:
Increased usage: With longer nights, lights will need to be on for longer – which may mean changes to your dimming, trimming or switch off schedule, usually controlled via a CMS (Central Management System).
Spike in outages: The extended operation of lighting systems often leads to a surge in outage reports. This places additional maintenance work on top of routine operations.
Consider scheduling maintenance work during the summer months or quieter periods to minimise disruptions and reduce the reliance on quicker, more expensive callouts.
Risk of incidents: Inadequate lighting due to outages can pose risks to safety and security. Ensuring that lighting levels are maintained as required is crucial to preventing incidents.
Support from CU Phosco Contract Services Team
CU Phosco's Contract Services Team can offer valuable support to lighting professionals during the darker months. Stuart comments: “If needed, our experienced team can provide guidance on statutory and suggested maintenance requirements, alongside advice on how to plan maintenance effectively, ensuring a smooth operation during the darker months.
“We can also provide guidance on ways to reduce future maintenance costs through efficient practices and to ensure the longevity and functionality of lighting systems”.
CU Phosco offers long-term maintenance agreements to provide consistent support, managed by an experienced team of highly experienced and competent operatives who can handle various maintenance tasks.
Future-Proofing Lighting
Stuart emphasises that "future-proof" might not be the correct expression, but effective lighting maintenance does play a crucial role in ensuring longevity, correct and consistently maintained lighting levels, and optimised productivity: effective maintenance reduces the chances of downtime due to outages, leading to improved productivity.
As the clocks change and the darker months approach, the importance of well-maintained lighting systems cannot be overstated. Taking a proactive approach to maintenance, supported by experts, like the team at CU Phosco, is the key to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of lighting systems. So, when the nights grow longer, you can still rely on consistent and reliable lighting.
For expert guidance and support or to explore the services that CU Phosco can offer during the darker months, don't hesitate to get in touch > here